International Conference on
Big Data, Machine Learning and Applications
(BigDML 2019)

Submission Policy

  1. Sumission: Click here to Sumbit your paper via EasyChair.
  2. Plagarism policy: Any form of plagiarism is not tolerated at any cost. However, the plagiarism score must be less than 15%.
  3. Dual Submission: Simultaneous submission to anywhere else is strictly prohibited.
  4. Page length:
    • Maximum pages for full paper : 12 pages
    • Additional pages for full paper: 4 pages
    • Maximum pages for short paper : 6 pages
    • Additional pages for short paper: 2 pages

    Note: Paper format must comply LNCS format. Please refer to the registration fees for additional page charges.

  5. Double blind review:
    • Author must not include authors names, affiliations, acknowledgement, and funding source.
    • The authors should not reveal identity anywhere in the paper but anonymous citation is allowed.
  6. Review policy: All papers are reviewed by at least three reviewers.
  7. Paper template: Download Microsft Word, and Latex.
  8. Camera-ready (CRC) paper submission: All the accepted papers should address reviewers comments and final version should be submitted in MS-Word or Latex source including all figures. CRC must contains authors name, and affiliations. Acknowledgement and Funding source can be included in the final CRC.